This says that this particular CD32 motherboard is a "Spellbound rev 3". AFAIK, only 2 revisions were released to the market. Rev 3 and 4.1

Another snap of the rev3 CD32 motherboard, taken out of its case. The CD32 is technically very similar to tha Amiga 1200 but a quick look at the chips will…

For some reason the two big (1000uF) caps are mounted with reversed polarity. This is a strange thing that was probably a manufacturing glitch on rev 3.

Here we see the rev3 CD32 motherboard with RF modulator and all caps removed. Unfortunately there was some corrosion from leaking caps that damaged the board,…

"Lisa" - Another one of the AGA chips that are same on CD32 and A1200. This one seems to be manufactured by HP and some revisions of A1200 also have this…

The new chip that only exists in the CD32. The AKIKO is a multi purpose chip that contains functionality from CIA, Gayle, Budgie (previously these were separate…

The good(?) old(!) Paula chip or "391077-01" is the chip that got the least attention of all Amiga chips ever made. It's basically the same chip as it was in…