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rejuvenator [2021/09/30 21:44]
rejuvenator [2021/09/30 21:45] (current)
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 ====== Rejuvenator====== ====== Rejuvenator======
-Joe the zombie is working on reverse engineering the classical Amiga 1000 expansion board, the "Rejuvenator".+Joe Carter (aka joethezombie"is working on reverse engineering the classical Amiga 1000 expansion board, the "Rejuvenator".
 This board gives the A1000 a much needed upgrade to make it more usable with modern software. This board gives the A1000 a much needed upgrade to make it more usable with modern software.
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 **Tags** / **Projects:**  **Tags** / **Projects:** 
   * A1000 Rejuvenator   * A1000 Rejuvenator
-  * +