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john_hertell [2021/01/09 01:26]
john_hertell [2021/01/18 22:52] (current)
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 **Tags** / **Projects:**  **Tags** / **Projects:** 
-  * ReAmiga 1200, Re-Amiga 1200 +  * **ReAmiga 1200**, Re-Amiga 1200 is a replacement motherboard for the Commodore Amiga 1200 (A1200). 
-  * ReAmiga 3000+  * **ReAmiga 3000**  is a replacement motherboard for the Commodore Amiga 3000 (A3000). 
 +  * **A3640** Replacement board for the A3640 accelerator board.
   * Component Locator   * Component Locator