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apollo_team [2021/01/10 01:36]
apollo_team [2021/01/10 01:36] (current)
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 ====== Apollo Team ====== ====== Apollo Team ======
-The Apollo team consists of several contributors who together develop the Apollo Core 68080 CPU (Implemented in FBGA) as well as developing a custom branch of AROS.+The Apollo team consists of several contributors who together develop the Apollo Core 68080 CPU (Implemented in FPGA) as well as developing a custom branch of AROS.
 Link to Apollo Forum and other info: Link to Apollo Forum and other info:
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 **Tags** / **Projects:** **Tags** / **Projects:**
-  * Apollo Core 68080 CPU (a Motorola 68k compatible and enhanced CPU)+  * Apollo Core 68080 CPU (a Motorola 68k compatible and enhanced CPU currently implemented in Cyclone V FPGA)
   * Vampire V4 Standalone   * Vampire V4 Standalone
   * Apollo OS (Modified AROS Distro)   * Apollo OS (Modified AROS Distro)